Top 20 Benefits of Peaches

Peaches are a healthy nutritional food with many benefits. Where are peaches harvested? What time of year can fresh peaches be found? How can we prevent peaches from spoiling? What types of dishes can we create with peaches? Here is important information about the peach and twenty of our top health benefits.

When and where can I get peaches?

Peaches were first grown in China which continues to be the world’s largest leading producer of the fruit, followed by Spain, Italy, Greece, and the United States. California is a largest peach producer in the United States, although Augusta, Georgia, named itself as the “Peach Capital of the World.”

California is the largest peach producer in the United States.

Peach crops can be ready for harvest as soon as May and as late as late September or early October. Primary harvest periods are from June 20 – September 10. However, these dates may vary by as many as two or three weeks due to the location and weather conditions. If you are planning on purchasing peaches, it’s best to contact the farm, market, or store a few weeks early to check on the status of produce.

Peach Tree

How do I freeze, dehydrate or can peaches?

If you are longing for peaches off-season, fresh frozen peaches actually maintain their nutritional value. Freezing reduces the temperature of the food so that microorganisms cannot grow, however many will survive. In the winter fresh frozen peaches are much better than store-bought, frozen peaches. Peaches can be frozen in very plain water, apple juice or white grape juice.

Peaches will turn brown if there is any pocket of air, even while frozen.

Peaches will turn brown if there is any pocket of air, even while frozen. You can coat the peaches with lemon juice or Fruit Fresh (which is a natural mixture of vitamin C and citric acid) to prevent browning.For more about safely canning, freezing, or dehydrating your peaches, visit

What are the benefits of peaches?

The Top 20 Benefits of Peaches

Peaches have many health benefits including a strong source of dietary fiber, low carbohydrate, a source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and niacin, as well as potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorous. Here are our top twenty benefits:

Peaches have many health benefits.

  1. low fat snack
  2. fights diabetes
  3. heart healthy
  4. Vitamin A & C
  5. healthy skin
  6. antioxidant
  7. selenium
  8. diuretic
  9. fights gout
  10. aids digestion
  11. fights rheumatism
  12. healthy teeth
  13. boosts immune system
  14. kidney cleanser
  15. anti-inflammatory
  16. fights cancer
  17. healthy eyes
  18. healthy bones
  19. anti-aging
  20. detoxification

Peach Crostata

What can I make with peaches?

If you are lucky enough to have a peach tree in your yard (or have been given a generous supply of peaches from a family member or friend), you are fortunate, indeed. There are many things you can do with peaches.

There are many peach recipes online, most of which are desserts.

There are many peach recipes online, most of which are desserts.f you have more than you can use, you can always, freeze, dehydrate, or can extra peaches. However, there are many other healthy options for peaches. If making a peach dessert, choose organic ingredients, limit added sugars, oils and fats, and choose whole grains. Here are a few peachy ideas below:

Peach and Raspberry Smoothies
  • peach lemonade
  • peach smoothies
  • peach jam
  • peach fruit salad
  • peach preserves
  • peach ice cream
  • peach cobbler
  • peach cookies
  • peach cheesecake
  • peach upside-down cake
  • peach muffins
  • peach pies, crostatas, or tarts
  • peach cheese enchilada
  • peach and pineapple pizza
  • peach taco
  • peach salsa
  • peach sauce (over vegetables or meats)
  • peach meatloaf
  • peach butter

Chicken with Peach Sauce

Can I eat too many peaches?

Fresh peaches can be a natural, healthy food, high in antioxidants eaten alone or combined with other ingredients to provide a nutritional, low-fat, immune-boosting treat. However, eating too much fruit can also cause stomach upset in some individuals. In fact, heartburn, diarrhea, acid reflux, and bloating can result from overindulging in fruit. High levels of antioxidants can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Additionally, high doses of vitamin C and A can increase the risk of cancer. Peaches, like many other fruits, are generally a very healthy addition to the diet, but should be eaten in moderation.


Jean Voice Dart

Jean Voice Dart, is a published author, speaker and life coach. She has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.” Jean is a Registered Music Therapist (RMT), music teacher, Sound Therapist, Master Level Energetic Practitioner and is the found or the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance, a 501(c)3 health education nonprofit organization.

Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent, registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products, and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medial doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.