14 Natural Home Remedies for a Productive Wet Cough

A productive cough, or wet cough, is any cough that produces mucous or phlegm.  It is always important for one to check with a trusted doctor or health practitioner if there is concern about a productive cough. However, there are some easy home remedies which can be helpful in treating a productive cough in children or adults. Continue reading

What is Dry Eye? Do I Have It? – Causes, Prevention, Treatment

Dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), is a painful condition that can be overlooked or misdiagnosed. A person might be experiencing a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, or fatigue, itching, stinging, or other symptoms that  might be misinterpreted as a common cold or allergy. Even a watery eye flooded with tears, can be caused from “dry eye.” So what is this condition and how can it be prevented and treated? Continue reading

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms Treated Successfully with Chinese Herb Corydalis

What is the Chinese herb Corydalis? Can multiple sclerosis symptoms of pain be effectively treated using the herbal supplement corydalis? Can herbs help relieve pain, fatigue, and What results can one expect to achieve? Find out more by reading the insights of Dr. Kevin Lance Jones, OMD, LAc., and his patient June’s journey with herbal treatment of the pain, weakness and discomfort associated with multiple sclerosis.

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15 Arthritis Supplements and Alternative Approaches – Do They Work?

massage-handMillions of dollars are spent every year on prescriptions help relieve pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Are there more natural supplements or alternative treatments that can be equally as effective? Do these natural approaches actually help in alleviating symptoms and is it worth the cost or effort? Continue reading

Gallbladder Disease Symptoms and Treatment

Irritable Bowel SyndromeDo you have a stomachache, feel nauseated, and have you experienced intestinal flu symptoms that just won’t disappear? Sharp pain on your right side? Bloating, gas and general fatigue? You might have gallstones or gallbladder inflammation.  Check out this article for more information about gallstones, gallbladder disease and what causes it.

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Medicinal Tea – History, Benefits and Precautions

green teaTea has long been used for medicinal purposes. What is the origin and history of medicinal tea? What are the three varieties of tea? What are the primary benefits of medicinal tea?  Are there certain types of tea that can be dangerous for particular ailments or conditions? Learn the answers to these questions and much more. Continue reading

Kefir and Kombucha: Natural Healing with Fermented Foods

Kefir Drink

Do you suffer from digestive disorders, cramps, allergies, bloating, diarrhea, inflammation, skin irritations, and headaches? Have you ever heard of kefir or kombucha? Are you wondering how fermented foods can be important for digestion? Fermented foods can be just as effective as taking probiotic supplements and digestive enzymes, and can be cheaper and healthier. Learn more. Continue reading

14 Natural Treatments for Indigestion, Nausea, and Stomach Ache

Stomach AcheFeeling sick to your stomach? Indigestion, gas, stomachache, bloating, nausea, diarrhea? Having an upset stomach (dyspepsia) or belly ache is not unusual. Most everyone has experienced this at some time in their lives, regardless of age or lifestyle. Generally it is caused from eating too much unhealthy food, too quickly. Most often the cause of stomach upset can be a problem specific to one of the many organs in your abdomen. What are the causes of dyspepsia and how can this be treated naturally?

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Edema – Natural Prevention and Treatment of Swollen Joints

EdemaWhat is Edema?
Edema is the medical term for swelling. Generally, edema is a response to injury or inflammation. The swelling occurs from leaking blood vessels which release fluid into the body tissues.  Increased fluid from the blood vessels allows more white blood cells to enter the area, and the white blood cells help to fight off the infection, but if too much fluid is released, too often or for to long, this can cause discomfort and may lead to permanent damage. What are the symptoms of edema? Does sitting at the computer for long hours cause edema? Are there natural treatments that are effective? How can it be prevented?
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Natural Home Remedies for Sinusitis

SinusitisWhat is Sinusitis?
Sinusitis afflicts millions of Americans each year. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, sinusitis “simply means your sinuses are inflamed, red and swollen, because of an infection or another problem.”  Sinusitis can be very irritating to deal with and women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with the infection. Sinusitis affects people from the very young to the very old.

Acute sinusitis can last up to 4 weeks and chronic sinusitis can last more than 12 weeks and persist for months or years after the initial symptoms. The illness can be caused by several factors including viruses, bacteria, allergies, airborne chemicals and a weak immune system.

What are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, those diagnosed with sinusitis usually suffer from the following symptoms:

Sinus infection

• Nasal Congestion
• Headaches
• Earaches
• Fever
• Sore throat
• Cough
• Fatigue
• Pain between the eyes
• Post-nasal drip

Why Consider Not Using Antibiotics or Decongestants?
Many people who suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis typically take antibiotics or decongestants to treat and alleviate the symptoms of the illness. Sinus InfectionSince people usually recuperate from acute sinusitis with time, taking antibiotics can be detrimental to their short-term and long-term health. Children and adults who take antibiotics when it is not necessary may suffer stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea. The human body can also become resistant to certain kinds of antibiotics if taken too frequently.

How Can Sinusitis Be Treated Naturally?
Natural home remedies can greatly help alleviate the symptoms associated with sinusitis. Getting an abundance of rest may increase chances of a speedy recovery. Drinking plenty of fluids such as water and juice and avoiding drinking beverages with caffeine and alcohol will boost the immune system.

Neti Pot

The Neti Pot is an effective treatment for preventing and healing sinusitis.

Rinsing out the nasal passages with a neti pot using sterile, distilled warm water will help clear the sinuses. A saline solution should be used.  Saline packets are generally provided with the neti pot if a commercial brand is purchased. If distilled water is unavailable, water should be boiled and then cooled to a comfortable, warm temperature.  Cool or room temperature water should never be used, because this can cause headache pain, and a neti pot should never be used with tap water because of the harmful chemicals.  Care should be taken to tip the head, so that the water drains out safely from the other nostril.  A netipot is very effective in cleaning out the mucous from the nasal passages and removing infection. The netipot also prevents sinus infections and allergic reactions if one has been exposed to allergens.

Steam for Sinusitis

Breathing steam is an effective treatment for sinusitis.

Steam has been used for many years to clear the sinuses.  Boil water, place in a bowl, and create a “tent” with a towel over your head.  You may add essential oils such as mint, lemon, or garlic. Breathe in the steam to loosen the mucous in the nasal passages.  Repeat as often as necessary.

Quercetin for Sinusitis

Quercetin is found naturally in apples, blueberries, red onions and other colorful fruits and vegetables.

Quercitin has been found to be effective in helping to fight sinusitis. According to Deborahann Smith of Gaiam Life, “Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting bioflavonoid found in the skin of red onions and apples. It helps decrease mucus production and swelling by blocking the release of histamine from immune cells.”Quercetin can be found in many fruits and vegetables such as cranberries, blueberries, kale, watercress and broccoli.”

Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements will support the enhancement of the immune system. Covering the face with a warm towel will decrease facial pain associated with sinusitis and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.

Sinus acupressureAcupuncture or acupressure uses pressure points on the body to work with sinusitis.  According to Michael Reed Gach, PhD, “to relieve your upper or frontal sinuses, use B2, located at the bridge of your nose.  This mental stress point is located in the indentation of your upper eye socket, where the bridge of the nose meets the ridge of your eyebrows. To open the maxillary sinuses in the cheek, use the foremost acupressure points for the sinuses: LI20 and St3, underneath your eyes, just below your cheekbones. Use gentle pressure.  These points are safe and useful to teach to people of all ages, children and adults.”  Reflexology sinus points are located at the tips of each finger and toe.  Gently massage the fingertips and toes to relieve sinus pressure and pain.

Sinusitis is a common infection that affects many people. It can be treated with proper treatment at home without having to take unnecessary antibiotics.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – Sinusitis
Center for Disease Control and Prevention – Sinus Infections
Mayo Clinic – Acute Sinusitis
Gaiam Life: Your Guide to Better Living – Natural Remedies for Sinusitis
Acupressure Points for Sinus Infection – Michael Reed Gach, PhD


Hang Pham, MBHA Health EducatorThis article is written by Hang Pham, Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance Health and Wellness Educator.  Hang Pham was born in Hoc Mon, Vietnam.  She came to America in 1994, becoming a U.S. citizen in 2011. Hang graduated from Seaside High School with diploma and received her AA in General Studies from Monterey Peninsula College in 2011. She received her BA in Collaborative Health and Human Services from California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) in 2012. In addition to working as a volunteer staff with the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance, she currently works as a Clerical Aid in the Human Resources Department of Salinas City Hall. To find out more about our Health Educators, or to apply as a Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance writer or volunteer, visit our website at www.montereybayholistic.com


The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.