RISE UP and Recharge with These Top 20 Hope, Positivity, Motivational Quotes!

Are you feeling down during a time of personal change? Check out our top 20 motivational, HOPE, and positivity quotes. It’s alright to be afraid and feel hopeless during difficult times. But you are a miracle maker. You have the power within you to overcome incredible difficulties. You will RISE UP and shine.

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20 Best Gratitude Quotes

Grateful thoughts to you, our friends!

It's not happiness that brings us gratitude, it's gratitude that brings us happiness.  Click, copy, download, save and share.

It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude, it’s gratitude that brings us happiness.

What is gratitude? How do we stay grateful when times are difficult?

Gratitude can shift a negative moment into a positive in an instant but it’s not always easy to find something to be grateful for when times are challenging…..or is it?

Even in the darkest times, those who are considered saints, martyrs, great philosophers and spiritual teachers have mastered the art of a “gratitude attitude.”   Can you?   Here are 20 gratitude quotes to brighten your day and open your heart to the blessings in life.


  1. GratitudeGrace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal.  It’s a way to live.  ~Attributed to Jacqueline Winspear
  2. Praise the bridge that carried you over.  ~George Colman
  3. If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.  ~Robert Quillen
  4. The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes.  It has enough lush forests, flowered fields and sandy beaches.  It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day.  What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it.  ~Michael Josephson, whatwillmatter.com
  5. Gratitude is the memory of the heart.  ~Jean Baptiste Massieu, translated from French
  6. All that we behold is full of blessings.  ~William Wordsworth
  7. man in praiseAs each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world. ~Terri Guillemets
  8. I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.  ~G.K. Chesterton
  9. Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.  ~Marcel Prous
  10. We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.  ~Thornton Wilder
  11. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.   ~John F. Kennedy
  12. At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.   ~Albert Schweitzer
  13. The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.
   ~WIlliam James
  14. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.   ~Oprah Winfrey
  15. Grateful old manHe is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.   ~Epictetus
  16. Thou hast given so much to me, Give one thing more, – a grateful heart; Not thankful when it pleaseth me, As if Thy blessings had spare days, But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise. ~George Herbert
  17. Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.  ~Kak Sri
  18. If you have lived, take thankfully the past.  ~John Dryden
  19. Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings.  ~Marianne Williamson
  20. There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude.  It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance.  ~Joseph Addison

Best wishes and gratitude to you for your friendship.


Jean E. DartThis article is written by Jean Voice Dart,  M.S. Special Education from Illinois State University. Jean is a published author and has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.”  She is a Registered Music Therapist, Sound Therapist, and Master Level Energetic Teacher, and is the Executive Director, founder and Health and Wellness Educator of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3  nonprofit health and wellness education organization.  For more information about  the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at www.montereybayholistic.com.

Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

30 Tips to Stop Debt and Bring Abundance

Hello, Friends! Aloha kakou.  This is the time of year when people are shopping for the holidays, overspending, and going into debt.  Here are 30 easy tips to stop debt and bring abundance, contentment, and joy  into our lives.


30 Tips to Stop Debt and Bring Abundance

Click, copy, download, save and share with friends and family members. 30 Tips to Stop Debt and Bring Abundance. You can do it!

Let’s look at some statistics.  Right now people all over the world are using credit cards to do their holiday shopping.   According to the United States Federal Reserve System statistics:

  • The average household credit card debt is  $15,418.
  • The average mortgage debt is $149,782.
  • Average student loan debt: $34,703
  • Total U.S. credit card debt $793.1 Billion
  • Average credit card debt per household $15,799
  • Average household debt $54,000
  • Percent of consumers that carried an unpaid balance in the past 12 months 56%
  • Percent who said their debt had gotten “higher” in the past 12 months 26%


Debt is not something new.  It has been a challenge for people throughout the ages.  Why do people go in debt?  How do people shift from debt to positivity, abundance and affluence? Let’s see what others have to say about it.  The old English proverb states:

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”

The Japanese have the same proverb with almost the same words or expression, 隣の芝生は青く見える

It means people always think they would be happier if things were different, and usually it makes no difference whatsoever.

Ralph Waldo Emerson states:

“A man in debt is so far a slave.”

The truth is that we as a nation and as a world, often find ourselves looking for something better in life, and frequently look for someone else to blame for our circumstances. It’s human nature, but it doesn’t have to be.   Each of us can have a life of abundance, contentment, gratitude and happiness.



What are the secrets to success and abundance? Self responsibility, imagination, gratitude, contentment, and disciplined effort and focus. We can rise above this national and global consciousness of debt and make a change in ourselves and in the world.  Here at the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance we know that a truly free person, is  free from playing the victim or blaming others. Being the victim just creates more “lack.” Life is as we see it and as we make it. It is our own journey, and we can only do our best to be happy, healthy, content, and successful with complete commitment, dedication and perseverance. But it helps to have a friend or two.

As your health and wellness friends, today we provide you with 30 Tips to Stop Debt and Bring Abundance in your life.  YOU can do it.   Download, click, save, forward, email, and share this poster with friends and family members. Here are the tips for you now.  If you sincerely practice these tips you will see a change in your life.


  1. Set a budget. Bring it with you everywhere you go.
  2. Set up a savings account. Don’t spend it.
  3. Make a “necessary” shopping list. Put only absolutely critical items on this list.
  4. Always have the necessary list with you in your purse, pocket, or wallet, and check it often.
  5. Stop all “unnecessary” spending.
  6. Search online to compare prices.
  7. Find and save newspaper sale ads.
  8. Clip and save magazine coupons.
  9. Search and print online coupons.
  10. Keep coupons and ads with you at all times.
  11. Give the gift of quality time to others instead of buying presents.
  12. Give a gift of homemade foods.
  13. Give a gift of service (cleaning, babysitting, cooking, etc.)
  14. Go shopping with a partner who keeps you on track.
  15. Gain skills. Do things yourself instead of paying someone else. Sign up for free classes.
  16. Record & review spending habits weekly.
  17. Ignore “limited time only” “while supplies last,” and other marketing ploys, etc.
  18. Pay cash only for everything when you are out shopping in the stores.
  19. Cut down on gas and buy online.
  20. Give group gifts, not individual gifts if possible and set up a “Secret Santa” gift exchange, if there isn’t one, to cut down on the number of holiday gifts.
  21. Be persistent and disciplined.
  22. Barter instead of paying. Find out what they need and trrade a skill that you have, such as cutting hair, for something that you need, such as weeding the garden.
  23. Give sentimental gifts (photo albums, framed homemade artwork, song, or poem).
  24. Earn extra income part-time if possible, running errands for people or doing chores.
  25. Keep extra cash and change in a piggy bank, to save up for big expenses, like car repairs, etc.  Don’t spend it on unnecessary things.
  26. Sign up for email discount and  sale announcements, and read them.  Mark sale dates on your calendar.
  27. Keep your calculator with you and total up everything before arriving at the checkout line.
  28. Use layaway plans.
  29. Stop eating out and learn to cook.
  30. Always pay more than the minimum payment amount to pay off your bills, even if it’s just a few dollars more, so that you build up your credit.


These tips are great but there is one more very important tip that affects all of the others.  It is positive thinking and manifestation.  Believe in yourself. Imagine affluence.  Write it down.  Envision it.  You can do this any number of creative ways.  Make a list of what your new situation looks like.  If it’s a vacation, right down everything from the moment you arrive at your destination to the last day of your trip. Describe the food, the silverware, the clothes, the lampshade, the people grabbing your luggage, the smells, etc.  If you want money for healthcare, describe the healthcare you receive, the person’s hairstyle, the bracelet she is wearing, the man you see and the color of his eyes.  You can practice writing yourself a check. Use your checkbook and fill out the check. Write on the check your name, and the amount, “all the money I will ever need” or something along those lines. Sign the check and fill it out completely.  Give it to yourself and accept it with gratitude. Then put the check safely away in a drawer and see what happens in a few months.  Check out books, videos, and CDs online about positive thinking and manifestation. Try hypnotherapy, EFT, and meditation.   Practice a daily discipline of bringing the energies of abundance into your life.  SEE IT AND BE IT.  You can do it!

Best wishes to you for a an abundant, happy, healthy holiday season.
E pili mau na pomaika`i ia `oe May blessings ever be with you.

Your health and wellness friends at the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance

A Child’s View of Thunderstorms

Greetings, MBHA Friends.

After Every Storm

Click, copy, save and share with friends and family. After every storm the sun will smile.

A friends of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance sent us this lovely story today about how to see the best in everything, despite the stormy times.  This story mentions the word God once, within a quote from a child. MBHA respects all beliefs, however, the point of the story is NOT religious, it’s motivational, and all people can learn from it’s message.

Children open our eyes to the JOY in life. This is a story about learning to keep the delightful viewpoint of youth: To always celebrate life, be playful, have fun, and look for the best. To weather the storm.  To use the imagination and look beyond what the eyes and ears see and hear.

“After every storm…the sun will smile!”
                         -William R. Alger


A little girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather that morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she made her daily trek to school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with lightning.

The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her daughter would be frightened as she walked home from school. She also feared the electrical storm might harm her child. Full of concern, the mother got into her car and quickly drove along the route to her child’s school. As she did, she saw her little girl walking along.

At each flash of lightning, the child would stop, look up, and SMILE. More lightning followed quickly and with each, the little girl would look at the streak of lightning and smile.

When the mother drew up beside the child, she lowered the window and called, “What are you doing?”

The child answered, “I am trying to look pretty because God keeps taking my picture.”

~Author Unknown

Children have great imaginations and see beyond the projected fears and limitations of adults.

When we look at life with the delight and innocence of a child, we find joy and peace and our journey is lighter, unburdened from the stresses of the day.

Maybe something scary….is not so scary after all.  Sometimes we just need to take another look.

May we always see  with the eyes of a child, and fearlessly exploring and delighting in life, despite any and all stormy weather.

~Best wishes to you from the MBHA Staff and volunteers.

Life: It’s a Gift! – 25 Motivational Quotes

What makes some more motivated than others?  Why do some succeed where others fail?  How can we keep working toward our goals when all odds are against us?


Life is a gift, but let’s face it. Sometimes it can be tough and we need a little motivation to achieve our goals or just simply make it through a tough day. Here are our top 25 motivational quotes to inspire and uplift you:

    1. Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you’ve had everything to do, and you’ve done it. -Margaret Thatcher, Former British Prime Minister
    2. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want. -Dan Stanford
    3. Anyone can do something when they WANT to do it. Really successful people do things when they don’t want to do it.-Dr. Phil
    4. There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.-Dr. Denis WaitleyMotivated Workers
    5. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.  -Nolan Bushnell, Founder of Atari Computer
    6. The best way to predict the future is to create it. -Unknown
    7. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. -George CarlinThumbs Up
    8. Fear is the result of a lack of confidence. A lack of confidence is the result of not knowing what you can do. A lack of knowing what you can do is caused by a lack of experience. A lack of experience is caused by a lack of doing something new. -Dale Carnegie
    9. Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. -Albert Einstein
    10. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. -Henry David Thoreau
    11. Inspiration and genius–one and the same. -Victor Hugo
    12. To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: “Leave no stone unturned.” -Edward Bulwer LyttonChild Thumbs Up
    13. Try to be happy in this present moment, and put not off being so to a time to come,—as though that time should be of another make from this which has already come and is ours. –Thomas Fuller
    14. Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. -George Santayana
    15. Time is the coin of life. Only you can determine how it will be spent.  -Carl Sandburg
    16. I get knocked down. But I get up again. You’re never going to keep me down.  -Chumbawamba
    17. Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time. –Elbert Green Hubbard
    18. When it’s time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived. -Henry David Thoreau
    19. Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose– a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.” – Mary ShelleySilly Happy Family
    20. There is no such thing as failure. There are only results. –Tony Robbins
    21. To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
    22. It’s great to be great, but its greater to be human. –Will Rogers
    23. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking
    24. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein
    25. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. -Mahatma Gandhi


Jean E. DartThis article is written by Jean Voice Dart,  M.S. Special Education from Illinois State University. Jean is a published author and has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.”  She is a Registered Music Therapist, Sound Therapist, and Master Level Energetic Teacher, and is the Executive Director, founder and Health and Wellness Educator of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3  nonprofit health and wellness education organization.  For more information about  the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at www.montereybayholistic.com.

Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

Persistence – The Secret to Success

Hello, wellness friends.

We at MBHA are discovering that nature often teaches us profound wisdom. Today the focus is on persistence and perseverance. Buddha says, “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through strength, but through persistence.”  This is a gentle reminder of the miracles that occur when we use fearless, focused intention with perseverance and persistence.

Faith, persistence, and gratitude make miracles happen.


Click and copy to share with friends. Focused effort and relentless, disciplined, perseverance and faith make miracles happen.

What is the secret to those who are successful in making their life dreams a reality? It is persistence, tenacity, drive, motivation, and hard work.  Einstein is quoted as saying, “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work.”  The same or similar quotes can be found about success, happiness, and other cherished goals and desired achievements.  When we combine persistence with faith, and  a loving and grateful heart, this is when we see results.

It’s not enough just to work hard.  A hard worker who is a bitter, resentful angry one, will surely fail and this victim consciousness can affect others. This is because he/she is manifesting negativity and wallowing in his/her own swill. To make miracles happen and achieve our dreams, we must combine hard work with a grateful heart.  We keep the positive vision, yet take action.

“Vision without execution is hallucination.”
― Thomas A. Edison

There is no better example of this basic principle of manifestation than in nature. Nature shows us over and over again of the law of manifestation. We see this in the sun, the wind, the rain, the plants, and the animals. It’s the law of cause and effect.  What we give out to the universe, is what we receive back in turn.

So today we  here at MBHA remember the words of Buddha and the persistence of the rolling river, and we are grateful to you and to our universe for the many lessons and blessings of the earth.

With love and joy in life,
Your MBHA health and wellness friends

We Can Do It! Keeping Physically Fit

Greetings MBHA friends!

Today is a great day to focus on persistence, pushing through barriers, and seize the day. Let’s start tackling those fitness goals! It’s a little foggy and chilly here on the Monterey Bay Central California coast. The faint sound of seagulls can be heard on top of the splashing of the waves against the shore, and it’s not unusual to see a turkey vulture in the sky with it’s effortless, smooth and gentle flight.  SO after a belly full of Thanksgiving holiday food, and a weekend of chilly weather, it’s TEMPTING to put off those nasty exercises that make us achy and sore.  BUT let’s wake up and seize the day with a little inspiration from Rosie the Riveter!

We can do it!

We Can Do It

Click and copy to share with friends. The “We Can Do It” poster was created in 1943 to boost worker morale during World War II. Today we fight another war. It’s the war of keeping healthy and fit! We can do it.

The American wartime propaganda poster “We Can Do It!”  inspires all of us here at MBHA to get up, get moving, and be disciplined with our physical exercises. Just look at that face! This muscular woman is speaking to ALL out there who feel frustration and hopeless when life seems challenging and bleak.

The poster was originally produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric is as an inspirational image to boost female wartime worker morale. The poster is believed to be created from  a black-and-white wire service photograph taken of Geraldine Hoff, a Michigan factory worker.

It was actually seen very little during World War II, but was brought out again to the public  in the early 1980’s and widely distributed during the “Women’s Rights” era of that time. It inspired women to keep up the fight and never give up hope.   The poster girl became known as “Rosie the Riveter”  and it made the cover of the Smithsonian magazine in 1994 and in 1999 was a US first-class mail stamp.

Today we fight war of another kind.

Today we are fighting a war within OURSELVES: the war of the mind, body and spirit, that prevents us from choosing to keep physically fit. This is a VERY serious war.  Rosie, with her bulging muscles, and determined, fearless, gaze, depicts the inspirational spirit of someone who is not about to give up!

Health challenges can be a lonely battle. Employers are more often not providing in health care benefits and insurance companies are no longer covering outrageous expenses.  Many men and women are unemployed or working for low wages and feeling hopeless from the stresses of the failing economy. They, in turn, have stopped the healthy disciplines of good nutrition, daily physical exercises, and getting plenty of sleep, fresh air, rest and relaxation.  People with chronic illnesses, sometimes give up the fight in despair, surrendering to a life of suffering and eventually death.  Many people choose to sit in their rooms, hopelessly surrendering to a life of despair, sometimes clinging to watching television or chatting online with cyber-friends, looking for an escape from the all too painful piles of bills, and the pain and suffering of the physical, emotional, and mental body.

Less than 25% of the people today meet the guidelines for aerobic and muscle strengthening.

Recent statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that less than 25% of adults 18 years of age and over who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for both aerobic and  muscle-strengthening physical activity.   Cardiovascular disease is the cause of death for more than 1/4 of people this past year and is the leading cause of death for both men and women.

Looking at our past is a healthy way to inspire us to move forward in the future.

Rosie the Riveter has been there for 70 years to say, “We Can Do It!” and keep people from choosing the “VICTIM” consciousness. She’s inspired people through many lifetime struggles and challenges, and she can inspire US NOW during these challenging times.  Sure, times are tough, but it’s up to us to make a difference.  So we start by getting up off of the couch and doing some exercises, or maybe just going for a walk  after supper. We eat right, get plenty of sleep, look to a higher wisdom, and see the blessings and lessons in every moment.  Soon we begin to heal ourselves, and then we can begin to heal the world. We do this one day at a time.

We invite YOU to share your inspirational stories and the ways in which you have broken through barriers and pushed past your fears to face life’s biggest challenges. YOU are our biggest inspiration.

With gratitude and love to you,
Your health and wellness friends,
The MBHA Staff and Volunteers