Channeling: What is Conscious Channeling of a High-Level Guide?

How do you channel the wisdom from a spiritual guide and be certain that it’s not just you? What is a “high-level guide”? How do you translate light impulses from the higher realms into words? Why channel in the first place? I have been studying spirituality and exploring these questions for most of my life.

Continue reading

Tibetan Buddhist Qigong—The Unbroken Lineage

Master Wang

Master Zi Sheng Wang

When I began teaching tai chi 30 years ago it was often the case that a few of my new students were physically unable to participate which was extremely disappointing for them and sad for me to see. I felt there must be a system where all levels of ability have an equal opportunity to benefit. With the goal of benefiting the greatest number of people, I decided change my focus to the healing arts. Continue reading

Saying Yes to Life – A Tantric Approach

What is Tantra and how can it be used to help us lift the consciousness and live a more balanced, joyful life? The word Tantra means expansion. It is a Sanskrit word, connected to an Indian spiritual path, Tantra Yoga. The ultimate goal of Tantra Yoga is the Divine Union between the goddess Shakti and god Shiva. Shakti, also called Kundalini, is in the base of the spine. Continue reading

The Yuen Method Noninvasive Technique


Are you looking for an effective treatment for pain, anxiety, depression, stomach ache, allergies, fatigue, or other common ailments? Have you been going to multiple doctors without finding any diagnosis or treatment? If you are seeking alternative solutions to health and wellness, check out the Yuen method, a noninvasive, energetic healing technique. Continue reading

Balancing the Chakras – A Healing of Your Energy Centers

chakras Chakras are Subtle Energy Centers. 

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word, and it means “wheel”. Today we will explore the 7 major chakras, which are connected to the body through the Nervous System. Because the chakras contain organs, emotions, thoughts, and consciousness, if they are out of  balance, it effects our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is a generator and reservoir of energy.  When our chakras are balanced and working, playing together, our energy can flow freely, and we enjoy life more.

First Chakra: Earth element, dark red. Also called the Root Chakra, it is located at the base of your spine, buttocks and tailbone. It’s qualities are security, support, grounding, foundation, survival, stability, final manifestation, field of completion. The emotions connected to the First Chakra are fear, courage, trust.

 Chakra purposesSecond Chakra: Water element, deep dark orange. It is located at your belly, hips, pelvis, and low back. It’s qualities are intuition, creativity, receptivity, nurturing, sexuality, sensuality, family, generation-seed, unconscious emotions. Emotions: Attachment, lust, ‘holding on’, letting go, flowing, moderation, joy.

Third Chakra: Fire element, golden yellow. It is located at your stomach, solar plexus, and mid-back areas. Qualities: Will-power, name, fame, authority, motivation, vitality, inspiration, self-esteem, drive, control, impulse behind movement, action. Emotions: Anger, resentment, forgiveness, letting go.

Fourth Chakra: Air Element, emerald green, pink. Also called the Heart Chakra, it is located at your chest and upper back. The physical heart is to the left, the emotional heart is in the middle of your chest, inbetween your breasts, and the spiritual heart is a bit higher, between your breasts and your throat, where the Thymus Gland is. Qualities: Unconditional love, trust, devotion, conscious emotions, compassion, heart-felt feelings, breath. Emotions: Desire, greed, aversion, desirelessness, sadness, grief, charity, compassion.

Fifth Chakra: Ether element, light blue, turqoise. Also called the Throat Chakra, it is located at your throat and neck. Qualities: Creativity, intuition, spaciousness, will, communication, speaking your truth, self-expression, faith. Emotions: Pride, humility.

Sixth Chakra: Ether element (Light), dark blue, dark purple. Also called the Third Eye, it is located in the middle of your forehead, goes all the way through your brain to the back of your head, where your neck and skull meet. Qualities: Intuition, perception, insight, realization, intelligence, spirituality, vision. Emotions: Dreaming, clarity.

Seventh Chakra: Ether element (Consciousness), brilliant white and gold.  Also called the Crown Chakra, it is located at the top of your head, and goes a bit out of your head like a cone. Qualities: Union, connection to the divine, understanding, compassion. Emotions: Bliss.

SILENCE IN NATURE STEP 7Manifesting Journey: Take a few deep breaths. Imagine something you would like to have new year. Feel your vision in your Crown Chakra, surrounded by brilliant white and gold, connected to all of you. Your vision is coming down to your Third Eye, becoming a true desire. You can see your desire having come true. How is your life different now? Dark purple and blue have joined the white and gold, carrying your desire down to your Throat Chakra. Say to yourself outloud: “I am creating space in my life for….” Allow light blue and turqoise to join the other colors, carrying your desire to your Heart Chakra. Feel your self-love joining your heart’s desire. “I love myself enough to know that I deserve to have my desire become reality.” Emerald green and pink have joined the other colors, taking your desire down to the Third Chakra, into your stomach. Your will-power has now joined your desire, “This is my life. I have a right to have my desire be manifested.” What is the next action you can take in this process? See yourself taking it. Imagine that golden yellow has now joined the other colors, carrying your desire to the Second Chakra in your pelvis and low back. Feel that your desire is flowing into your life in a way that nurtures you. “I am allowing myself to receive this desire in an easy and joyful way.” Dark orange has now joined the other colors, creating a rainbow while taking your desire down to the  dark red Root Chakra – final manifestation.

See, feel, sense your desire as a full reality in your life, letting yourself relax deeply into it. YES!


Rabia ErdumanThis article was written by Rabia Erduman, Health and Wellness Educator for the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  Rabia was born in Istanbul, Turkey and later spent ten years in Germany before arriving in the United States in 1983.  Rabia utilizes Psychology, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Reiki,  and Trauma Release to assist clients in their process of self-discovery. Rabia also teaches tantric and spiritually-oriented workshops.  Rabia is the author of Veils of Separation – Finding the Face of Oneness, and has four Guided Imagery CDs: Relaxation, Meditation, Chakra Meditation, and Inner Guides. The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit health and wellness education organization. For more information about the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at


Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

Healing With Crystals – Real, Magic or Mystery?



Crystals have been used for centuries in many capacities. They are used today in quartz watches and computers. They were also used in radios. Battered crystals have been found at sites where Native Americans lived. Why were they battered? Because crystals have piezoelectric qualities, and when you hit two crystals together both will light up!

Are crystals magical? You could say that. Do crystals have practical uses? You could say that too. Crystals like everything else on the planet carry a unique vibration, and each type of crystal, just like each unique individual carries its own energy. Quartz crystals have an affinity with humans in that they vibrate at a similar rate when at their optimum.

There is a law in Physics that says when two things vibrating at a different rate are in proximity eventually they will meet. The higher will lower, they will meet somewhere in the middle, or the lower will raise. This is one of the reasons people wear crystals; it can raise their resonance. There are certain crystals that carry such a high vibration that they will not lower. This means that when you wear these crystals, you will definitely come up. Two of these crystals are Citrine Quartz and Kyanite.



Citrine is a beautiful quartz that ranges from pale lemon to golden smoky in color. It will not hold negativity, but transmutes that energy into positive. It is highly recommended to wear some form of Citrine everyday. It helps keep people out of depression and works on all levels of being, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.The other stone that is able to do this is Kyanite.



Kyanite is found in different colors, the most common being a deep blue. Both of these stones are wonderful to wear or use for healing purposes. They help bring the wearer to a state that is conducive to meditation, and they help keep us centered. Crystals have also been used for healing purposes for centuries. They have also been used for spiritual purposes. They are mentioned in the Bible as special stones used in a breastplate. While some people think of stones for adornment purposes, the original meaning for wearing them was for much more than showing off.

I have witnessed many wonderful things that have happened when I have worked with people using crystals. One woman had a lump on her breast, and when she taped a Watermelon Tourmaline over the lump, it began to decrease in size and eventually disappeared. She cancelled her scheduled surgery. Crystals can be fun as well. I used what is known as a “communicator crystal” to get in touch with someone I had not seen in years. I sat with the crystal and programmed that I wanted the person to call me. Within days, the person showed up where I work. The amazing part is that they did not know I worked there!

Crystals and stones are beautiful, and beneath that beauty lies more than meets the eye; mysteries and wonders that are fascinating to explore.

Valerie White

Valerie White

Valerie White, a Psychic Counselor and Life Coach, has helped hundreds of people Work Magic in their lives by finding clarity and answers that may have eluded them. She submitted this article as an MBHA member and Health Educator to the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance. If you would like to join our Alliance, find out more about our benefits, and/or submit a wellness article on our blog site, please contact us.  For more information about the Alliance, go to our website at

MORE information:
Amazon Books on Crystal Healing
Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance YouTube Crystal Healing Video Playlist

Energetic Tools – What Are They? Why Do We Need Them?

Energetic Tools - Hug a Tree

What are energetic tools? Why do we need them?

What are Energetic Tools?
An energetic tool can be any object that is intentionally and purposefully used to enhance, revitalize or  increase the well-being of an individual through mind, body and spirit.  It is a tool that energizes oneself. Energetic tools can change your focus, help you connect with your higher-self or to maintain a connection to the Divine source.

Where Do You Find Energetic Tools?
Energetic tools can be natural and found in the environment, such as sea shells, flowers, herbs, oils, trees, the sound of the ocean, crystals or rocks.  They also can be man-made products such as recorded music, art, jewelry or pendants, religious statues, crystal balls, idols, pyramids, pendulums for dousing, photographs, clothing or textiles, sound machines, magnets, light and color machines, etc.

Man in Pyramid

A man meditates within a pyramid structure. This is believed to produce a high-energetic field and enhance healing.

Why Do People Use Energetic Tools?
Energetic tools can help us to raise our vibration, release tension, alter a state of consciousness,  or create a heightened awareness of old patterns, current conditions, and past choices. They can help us to refresh ourselves and/or stay focused on the now, to stay present and create a peace of mind. Energetic tools can also help to protect others from negative or toxic effects of electromagnetic radiation.

These tools can be infused with love, or loving memories from family members, energetic healers, friends, or loved ones, and often the person using the tool can experience the love or high vibrational energy in the form of an “energetic healing.”  This can occur with many types of energy tools, involving one or more of the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, feeling, and smelling.

Who Uses Energetic Tools?
Any one and everyone can use energetic tools.  Energetic tools, such as crystals, pendants, meditation chanting CDs, pyramids, energy pillows, etc., are available in alternative health and wellness stores and are often used by health professionals or energetic practitioners such as

  1. Sound Healers,
  2. Vibrational Therapists
  3. Light Therapists
  4. Music Therapists
  5. Energy Workers
  6. Angel Channelers
  7. Reiki Masters

What Do Skeptics Say?
Skeptics say that energetic tools are only effective due to the power of suggestion. Dr. Christopher Charles French, a psychologist at Goldsmith’s College, London, frequently appears on radio and television presenting a sceptical view of paranormal claims. In one study, he tested the effects of crystals on 80 volunteers. Half were given a genuine crystal for a few minutes while meditating. The rest were asked to handle a imitation plastic crystal, but were told that it was a real crystal .

Chakra Crystal Healing

A woman experiences crystal dowsing and a chakra balancing energetic healing.

The researchers planted a suggestion with all volunteers in both groups, that they should most likely experience a number of benefits (tingling, warmer hand temperature, more focused attention, balanced emotions, increased energy levels, heightened sense of well-being, relaxation of the forehead, stimulation of the brain, increased swallowing reflex, and “activation of all levels of consciousness.” ). Out of the 80 volunteers, 74 experienced at least one of these sensations.  According to Dr. French,

“The fact that the same effects were found with both genuine and fake crystals undermines any claims that crystals have the mysterious powers which they are claimed to have.”

What Do Enthusiasts Say?
Energetic healing enthusiasts and professionals who use energetic tools, say that energetic tools are no different than conventional tools, such as chemotherapy. Those who believe in treatment are more likely to succeed and experience healing.  They are not surprised at the negative results of the research conducted by Dr. Charles French.  Energetic healers claim that the power in the crystal lies in the preliminary preparation of sending love to the crystal.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has conducted research with water demonstrating that positive thinking and prayer brings about energetic healing.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has conducted research with water demonstrating that positive thinking and prayer brings about energetic healing.

Those who use crystals “empower” the crystals with loving energy before using them for healing.  Dr. French did not do this.  Skeptics of  Dr. French’s research study claim that this study doesn’t take into consideration that the healing power of crystals takes time (as also does traditional healing methods, such as antibiotics, or chemotherapy), and that some crystals are impure or infused with negativity.  Dr. Masaru Emoto  has conducted multiple research  studies with water and has shown the world that the power of loving energy transcends all other power and negative energy or thought destroys life.  Microscopic photographs of water before and after prayer showed significant changes.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of music on plant growth, such as “Measuring Effects of Music, Noise, and Healing Energy Using a Seed Germination Bioassay” by Katherine Creath, and Gary E. Schwartz.  Research has been conducted demonstrating the effects of energy tools (objects which have a high vibration), on plants, animals, and human beings.  Music therapy research is published in every issue of the journal by the American Music Therapy Association documenting the energetic healing power of music and sound vibration.

In addition to Dr. Emoto, modern New Age doctors, or health professionals such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Gregg Braden,  are considered pioneers in their field, conducting and/or compiling  research on the effects of energetic healing, and are bridging science and spirituality, inspiring people worldwide to consider these noninvasive methods as an alternative or complimentary approach to mind, body, spirit  health and wellness.

Applied Kinesiology

A woman experiences “muscle testing” or what is referred to as “Applied Kinesiology.”

How is Energetic Healing Measured?
Research results on the use of other energetic devices pose problems because of lack of conventionally accepted methods of methods of measuring energy.  Researchers survey participants to determine cessation, elimination, or reduction of headache,  digestive problems, anxiety or depression, and pain.  Applied Kinesiology, is sometimes used to measure the expansion or contraction of the body’s energy field.  Applied Kinesiology involves  testing muscles for strength and weakness to determine the effectiveness of a particular product or application, or to diagnose illness or choose treatment. Current scientific research and evidence does not support the use of applied kinesiology for diagnosis of any illness.  Applied kinesiologists  can be  chiropractors, naturopaths, medical doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and others.

Blood platelet changes can be photographed under a microscope to document energetic effects of crystals, pendants, sound or other energetic devices on the blood. Changes in the MRI images of the brain or other body parts can be recorded to determine brain activity and or reduction in tumors. Unconventional devices such as dowsing rods are sometimes used to determine improvement.

Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography can be used to view the energetic field surrounding the body. It is sometimes used as a measurement of healing or of the effectiveness of a treatment.

Kirlian photography has sometimes been used to measure energy changes through the process of high energy physics photography.  Another device that can be used to determine energetic changes is an acupuncture meridian measurement device, used to measure the conductivity of the meridian points on the body.

Something that is a healing tool for one person, might not be effective for another person.  More research is needed on energetic tools and their effects on health. Energetic practitioners suggest that each person try different tools in order to determine what is most important and effective for them personally.

Do you use energy tools? Which tools work for you?


Jean E. DartThis article is written by Jean Voice Dart,  M.S. Special Education from Illinois State University.
  Jean is a published author and has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.”  She is a Registered Music Therapist, Sound Therapist, and Master Level Energetic Teacher, and is the Executive Director, founder and Health and Wellness Educator of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3  nonprofit health and wellness education organization.  For more information about  the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at

Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

20 Alternative Approaches to Stress

Causes of StressWhat causes stress and how can we prevent it? Are there effective alternative, holistic, and complementary practices to treating stress besides prescription drugs?

What Does Current Research Say About Treatment for Stress?
Current studies show that Americans are not satisfied with healthcare programs addressing stress.

Stress statisticsA recent study entitled, “Stress in America™: Missing the Health Care Connection,”  was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association, among 2,020 U.S. adults in August of 2012.   The results of the study suggest that people are not receiving what they need from their health care providers to effectively manage stress and help them with necessary lifestyle and behavior changes needed to improve their health.

Stress in America

Stress in America – 42% reported that the leading stress symptom they experienced was anger or irritability.

A little more than half (53%) of Americans said they receive little or no support for stress management from their providers.  Thirty-nine percent (39%) said that they have little or no behavior management support.  Thirty-five percent (35%) of Americans said that their stress increased this past year.

Stress effects on body

The effects of stress on the body

What are Stress Symptoms?
Stress symptoms can be emotional, physical, behavioral and mental or psychological.  A person under stress might have the following symptoms:

  • easily irritated
  • frustrated
  • mood swings
  • hopeless
  • not able to relax
  • low self-esteem
  • paranoia
  • trouble focusing
  • lonely
  • avoiding people and projects
  • headache
  • upset stomach
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • muscle pain
  • fatigue
  • sleepiness
  • insomnia
  • sweating
  • chills

    Stress Symptom Nail Biting

  • biting nails
  • grinding teeth
  • frightened
  • panic attack
  • trouble swallowing
  • cold or flu symptoms
  • shaking or shivering
  • pacing
  • drug use
  • negativity (criticism or gossip)

How is Stress Diagnosed and Treated?
There is no specific medical test for stress but your trusted healthcare provider or family physician should do a thorough medical and psychological exam and evaluation.  He or she will ask you about your family history, your work, your daily routine, and personal life to help determine “stress triggers”  and discuss a plan of treatment. It might be helpful for you to keep a stress diary for a few weeks to determine causes of stress.

EEG TestThe doctor might also order blood and urine lab tests, EEG, EMG, MRI, or other tests to rule out other illnesses that might be triggering stress symptoms. Basic tests will include measuring your blood pressure and completing a questionnaire to test for depression. After making diagnostic or psychological tests have been completed, your trusted healthcare practitioner may recommend treatment.

Treatment may include lifestyle changes such as changes in diet, physical activity or exercise, meditation, or prescription medications. If you don’t feel comfortable with the doctor’s evaluation or plan of treatment, it is important that you trust yourself and your own body wisdom when making a decision.  Make sure that you are working with a doctor as a member on your team, and that your healthcare professionals are working closely with you.

Which Types of Alternative Approaches Have Been Effective?

Alternative Stress Treatment

What holistic, alternative approaches are effective in treating stress?

There are many types of alternative approaches that have been shown to be effective in relieving stress, however, most approaches take time and training for the person to be skilled enough to use it successfully, or for the hands-on practitioner to be successful in working cooperatively with the client to achieve success.

Research studies show that alternative approaches can ]reduce or eliminate stress symptoms. Exercise has been well-documented as a stress-reducer, as has prayer, deep breathing, and meditation. Hypnosis and massage are also highly effective alternative treatments to prescription drugs.


Therapeutic massage is a well-documented  alternative treatment for alleviating stress.

Some of the natural approaches to relieving stress are:

  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Qigong
  • Deep Breathing
  • Biofeedback
  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Music therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Dance therapy
  • Drama therapy
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Flower Essences
  • Essential Oils
  • Homeopathic remedies
  • Light therapy
  • Crystals or gemstones
  • Guided imagery or visualization


    Acupuncture can be a successful alternative treatment to reducing stress related symptoms

  • Acupuncture
  • Self-hypnosis
  • Psychic healing
  • Energetic healing/Reiki
  • Counseling or Psychiatric
  • Physical therapy
  • Physical Exercise
  • Sex
  • Chiropractic

For more information about which alternative or complimentary therapies or approaches are best for your needs in treating anxiety or stress, consult with your trusted health-care practitioner, or check out the resources below.

The American Institute on Stress
The Stress Resource Center – Harvard – Stress Management
Holistic Stress Management for Nurses
American Psychological Association
Huffington Post -Reduce Stress Now
Mayo Clinic – Stress Management

Keil, R.M.K. (2004) Coping and stress: a conceptual analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(6), 659–665

Viner, R. (1999) Putting Stress in Life: Hans Selye and the Making of Stress Theory. Social Studies of Science, Vol. 29, No. 3 (June 1999), pp. 391–410

O’Connor, T. M.; O’Halloran, D. J.; Shanahan, F. (2000). “The stress response and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis: From molecule to melancholia”. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 93 (6): 323–333.

LE Walker Post-traumatic stress disorder in women: Diagnosis and treatment of battered woman syndrome.
– Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 1991

Hayes, Steven C.; Wilson, Kelly G.; Gifford, Elizabeth V.; Follette, Victoria M.; Strosahl, Kirk. Experiential avoidance and behavioral disorders: A functional dimensional approach to diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 64(6), Dec 1996, 1152-1168. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.64.6.1152, Special Section: Development of Theoretically Coherent Alternatives to the DSM-IV.


Jean E. DartThis article is written by Jean Voice Dart,  M.S. Special Education from Illinois State University.
 Jean is a published author and has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.”  She is a Registered Music Therapist, Sound Therapist, and Master Level Energetic Teacher, and is the Executive Director, founder and Health and Wellness Educator of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3  nonprofit health and wellness education organization.  For more information about  the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at

 Disclaimer:The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

What is Reiki?

WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki (霊気) is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which since has been adapted by various teachers of diverse traditions. Reiki is also considered a spiritual or meditative type of healing or a form of prayer.   It uses what has been commonly called palm healing or hands on healing as a form of complementary, alternative, or holistic healing. therapy.

What is Reiki?Reiki is also sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical groups. Reiki practitioners or Reiki Masters use the hands to move energy through the body.  Reiki can also be described as “laying on of hands.” The practitioners believe that they are transferring universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) or Chi, through the palms, which brings self-healing and balance. Today there are many branches or styles of Reiki but there are two major traditions, Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western ReikiTraditional Japanese Reiki is normally used to describe a system based on Usui’s original teachings. Western Reiki (西洋レイキ, Seiyō reiki) is a Reiki system that can be accredited to Hawayo Takata.   The teaching of Reiki outside of Japan is commonly divided into three levels:  First Degree – Shoden “初伝”, Second Degree – Okuden “奥伝”, and Third Degree – Shinpiden “神秘伝” or Master level.  In Western Reiki, it is taught that Reiki  the meridian energy lines and seven major chakras on the body are used with the hand positions.

  1. The Crown Chakra
  2. The Third Eye Chakra
  3. The Throat Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra
  5. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  6. The Sacral Chakra
  7. The Base Root Chakra

WHAT HAPPENS IN A REIKI HEALING SESSION? Generally in a western Reiki healing session the hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching.   Typically, the client is lying down, as in a massage therapy position.   Some Reiki Masters also practice “long-distance” Reiki sessions.  In a Reiki session, the practitioner is said to bring Universal Life Energy to the client.  During the healing session, a client will go into a state of deep relaxation.  During this relaxed state he or she might experience a reduction of pain and sense of peace and well-being.   Those trained in Reiki are referred to as Reiki Masters or Reiki practitioners depending on their level of training.

IS REIKI EFFECTIVE? Current research studies are inconclusive in providing clinical evidence as to the effectiveness of Reiki. It is thought that more research is needed.  However, individual clients and Reiki Masters and practitionerss claim that Reiki can be very effective in healing or providing relief for the following health concerns:

  • asthma
  • paralysis
  • tendonitis
  • inflammation
  • dental pain
  • lupus
  • allergies
  • broken bones
  • stress
  • headaches
  • colds
  • depression
  • flu
  • sunburn
  • insomnia
  • ulcers
  • multiple sclerosis
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • paranoia
  • cuts
  • bruises,  and much more

For more information about Reiki and a wide variety of natural medicine and health and wellness topics, check out our video library at Best wishes and loving energy from your MBHA health and wellness friends