What is a Hero?

What is a hero?

What is a hero? How do we become a hero? You are the hero of your own story.

What is a hero? How can we be a hero?  Who are our heroes?  Whether a person is determined a hero or not,  does not necessarily depend on the degree to which they have inspired a person or a large number of people in some way.  Some heroes are invisible.  You are a hero of your own story.


  • Mother Teresa
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Hank Aaron
  • Gandhi
  • Joan of Arc
  • Amelia Earheart
  • Jacques Cousteau
  • Jonas Salk
  • The Wright Brothers
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Ansel Adams
  • Winston Churchill
  • Rosa Parks
  • Billy Graham
  • Dr. Martin Luther King
  • Christopher Columbus
  • George Washington
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Marlee Matlin
  • Lou Gehrig
  • Michael J. Fox
  • Anne Frank
  • Jane Goodall and many, many more.

Real Heros CoverBut do heroes have to be well known?  Certainly not.  Heroes are happening all around us every day.

Then what is a hero?   Before his death in 2004, and long after his death, Christopher Reeve, an American actor, film director and activist (1952-2004),  like other heros, has been an inspirational living example to others, because of his acceptance and endurance through difficult challenges.  According to Christopher Reeve,

Woman Hero Award“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

So heroes have their challenges and human qualities just like everyone else. These negative qualities seem to be an important part of being a hero.  Do heroes have to suffer and die?  Do heroes have to change the world?  No, some heroes live and die with very few people knowing who they are.

But every person is a hero who has faced, endured and conquered the negative qualities within. Heroes are fighters.  They battle with a variety of different issues, people, and situations.  Some negative situations are found deep within the heart, such as coming to terms with our uniqueness despite social or cultural opinions.

Hero Rescue Cat

Other situations are found outside of us, and we become strong and endure hardship such as disease or poverty.

If you have experienced some of these negative qualities, issues, or situations below, then you can find comfort in knowing that you are half-way there to becoming a hero.

Heroes have negative qualities within themselves or negative situations surrounding them that surface and allow them to refine and grow into true heroes.

  • a gripping overwhelming fear or terror
  • general weakness, feebleness or vulnerability
  • overwhelming loneliness, melancholia, moodiness, depression
  • temptation, yearning, desire, greed, or uncontrollable want
  • physical suffering or illness that effects the ability to be happy, healthy and productive
  • frustration, bitterness, blame, and resentment that dominates the mind, body and spirit
  • hopelessness, lack of faith, and despair that cripples and removes all joy in life
  • anger or rage that interferes with the ability to be loving, forgiving, and free
  • feelings of rejection, abandonment, and victimization as a result of experiencing unjust actions or treatment
  • ignorance or confusion and the inability to logically understand situations or to be able to meet expectations
  • ridicule, scorn, and humiliation by strangers, friends or family members
  • self hatred, guilt, and shame
  • repeated failures, defeat, or losses

Oklahoma City BombingThe hero can be the school teacher who stays up late at night grading papers and making teaching materials, and decorations  for the classroom and who empties her savings account of the money she had saved to buy a new car, and purchases computers for the children.  A hero can be a man who has been bedridden for five years but continues to write letters from his bed to poor, homeless children around the world, telling them to always remember that they are special, unique and a gift and blessing to the world.

A hero can be a dog who returns into a flaming building to retrieve its puppies and carry them to safety.  A hero is the young man who drives his buddy home from the bar on Saturday night after he notices that his friend has had a little too much to drink.   Each of these characters would not a be a hero if they didn’t have doubts, fears, and reservations.

Relief Society Kenya

Heroes also have redeeming qualities that carry them through difficult, seemingly impossible times.  It is the combination of the negative and positive qualities that creates the brilliance we see shining from the hero.  This is the hero’s true spiritual essence.  Is a hero always known to others? Maybe not.  As we’ve already mentioned, many heroes are invisible to others, but their essence an be felt around the world and affects the general health and wellness of the universe.

  • compassion, selflessness, charity, and genuine caring for others
  • acceptance, forgiveness, and tolerance of others
  • contentment, peace, and satisfaction with self and the situation
  • patience, composure, endurance, and the ability to wait for the right time and place
  • faith, hope, conviction, loyalty, and trust in one’s self
  • perseverance,  persistence, discipline, resilience, and the ability to never give up and continue to take action despite all circumstances
  • women hero flyerscourage, fearlessness, bravery, backbone, and the strength and ability to face all fears and negativity
  • vision, imagination, realization, inventiveness, creativity, and the ability to look outside of the box for solutions
  • gratitude, humility, grace, and the ability to humbly accept weaknesses of self and others
  • spirituality, religion, and the ability to surrender to a higher power or higher wisdom
  • truth, wisdom, awareness, and true enlightenment beyond what is obvious to the human eyes and ears
  • skill, talent, aptitude, and capability to accomplish a task and succeed as a result of disciplined effort
  • the ability to experience happiness, joy, laughter, positivity, amazement, and sincere delight in the gift and blessing of life despite its challenges

Man Holding Door OpenHOW CAN WE BE HEROES?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a hero is “a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.”

Each of us have opportunities to be a hero every day, when we accept the invitation from the universe to offer kindness and help. We can be a hero when someone says an unkind word to another person, by offering words of kindness and hope.  We can be a hero by walking our dogs in the rain at night when we would rather stay inside where it’s warm, cuddled up in a blanket, next to the fire.   We can be a hero by picking up some litter off of the sidewalk and walking across the street to a trashcan to throw it away.

“A boy doesn’t have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn’t like pie when he sees there isn’t enough to go around”
~Edgar Watson Howe

Thank you for being a hero. Together we make a difference in the world, by being a hero in our everyday lives.


Jean E. DartThis article is written by Jean Voice Dart,  M.S. Special Education from Illinois State University. Jean is a published author and has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.”  She is a Registered Music Therapist, Sound Therapist, and Master Level Energetic Teacher, and is the Executive Director, founder and Health and Wellness Educator of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3  nonprofit health and wellness education organization.  For more information about  the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at www.montereybayholistic.com.

Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

20 Tips on How to Find Love

How do we find love? Millions of people around the world are seeking love. If you do a search online right now for answers, you will quickly discover hundreds, if not thousands, of online dating services. Yet, is this really the answer to what we are seeking?  The answer is hidden deep within our hearts. YOU are love. It is you.

You are love

You are love. It is you.

Many of us spend lifetimes searching for love outside of ourselves when true wisdom shows us that love can only be found within us.

But sometimes it is difficult to believe that love can be easily found within.  We feel bitter, resentful, frightened, worried, depressed, angry, lost, empty, hopeless, and lonely.  Where did the love go?  The truth is that love didn’t go anywhere.  It didn’t leave us.  It is there, but we must find it.  How do find something that is not missing?  We must open our spiritual eyes and ears and look and listen beyond what we see. We must learn to take action to love ourselves before we can love others.  The truth is that love is always with us.  Love can be found anywhere.


  1. Find love by doing things you love – Do something that you remember enjoying and loving as a child (cooking, swimming, drawing, basketball, listening to music, petting a dog, walking in a forest, etc.).  If you can’t remember, ask someone who can (your mother or father, sisters or brothers, close friends).  Take time to do things you love every day.

    young man basketball

    Engaging in activities we enjoy helps us find love.

  2. Find love by giving to your friends or loved ones – Write down the names of several friends who you love. Write down why you love them and what their redeeming qualities are.  Next call these friends or get together with them and tell them how much they mean to you and what you love about them. Don’t expect them to say the same about you.  Practice giving love without receiving it.  You might have the opportunity to receive love from your friends, but practice not expecting it, and loving just for the sake of loving.
  3. Find love in the world around you. Make an alphabet list (three for each letter of the alphabet) that puts a smile on your face (eg., aprons, apples, astrology).  Keep this list handy.  Look at the list often and think of the things that you love. Open your heart to receiving from the world around you.
  4. Find love through volunteering.  Volunteer at a homeless shelter, goodwill store or soup kitchen.  Helping others brings love into the heart.  When you return home, make a gratitude list.  Think of the things that you have in your life that these people do not have. Write a thank you note expressing  your gratitude for these gifts in your life.
  5. writing in journal

    Writing in a journal can help us find love.

    Find love by listening to yourself. Write down your thoughts during the day. If you have negative thoughts, write them down and then burn them, cut or tear them into little pieces, or flush them down the toilet.  As you destroy the negative thoughts, replace the thoughts with gratitude for the good things in your life.  If you can’t think of anything to be grateful for, make a list. Start with the basics:  I’m alive. I’m breathing. I have hope. I have this article right now. I have a place to sleep. I have food., etc.

  6. Find love by listening to others. Listen to a “talk radio” program where people call in with their problems, or listen to a friend who is sharing with you about his or her problems with giving and receiving love.  Listening to how others solve their problems, brings healing in ourselves. Take notes. Write in your journal about it. Then contemplate on the ways in which others have learned about how to give and receive love, and think of how this relates to your own life.
  7. Find love by joining a support group or weekend workshop or seminar to help you unleash your fears, heal your heart and take the next step. If you don’t feel like talking at first, that’s O.K., join a weekly one-hour group rather than a big commitment like a seminar.  Just go for an hour and tell others you want to listen. Use good discrimination.  If the group is just a lot of people complaining and gossiping, this does not add to your health and well-being.  Seek out positive, loving groups that focus on forgiveness, love and hope.  After attending, always take time to reflect and summarize what you have learned for yourself.

    college student classroom

    Find love by taking a class in a subject you enjoy.

  8. Find love by taking a class and developing your skills.  Do this just for fun and just for you.  Learn a new skill (eg., sewing, car repair, home decorating, French lessons, computer programming etc.).  Investing in ourselves builds self esteem, happiness and brings self love.
  9. Find love by participating in an online chat group. Love can be found anywhere because it is inside of you. To find love in an online chat group, you can be anonymous, or not. Don’t join the group expecting to find a whirlwind romance.  Don’t join the group if people are complaining, gossiping about others, trashing their lives, complaining about the world, and bringing you down.  This is not love.  Find a group that makes you laugh and brings joy into your heart. Participate. Give support to others. Learn to read carefully what others say. Respond with supportive statements. Be a good friend.  Be a friend who is lighthearted, joyful and confident in yourself.  Learn how to experience love by giving love.
  10. Find love by reminding yourself of your good traits. Write down 20 positive and lovable traits about yourself and tape it to the refrigerator (eg., stylish, spontaneous, daring, open-minded, good at poker, etc.) .  Read it often.

    Couple reading in bed

    Reading uplifting books opens us to love.

  11. Find love by reading uplifting positive books every night before going to sleep. Throw out or give away books that are dramatic, depressing, and maintain a victim consciousness.  Be selective. Negative books might give you a thrill or sensation of dominance or power, but these feelings don’t last and you are left with a feeling of emptiness and lack of love.  Now is the time to make good choices about what is loving and what is not loving. Remember that you are responsible for creating your world.
  12. Find love through loving, joyful music. Throw out all music that is angry or depressing. Choose to saturate yourself with music that is happy, loving, inspirational, joyous, and peaceful.
  13. Find love by giving yourself permission to be unloving: sad, frustrated, angry, or depressed, etc.   Take some quiet time to get in touch with those feelings.  Love the bad feelings, and forgive yourself. If you harbor bad feels toward another person, ask yourself, “What was the lesson in this relationship?  How did I benefit from this? What did I learn?”  When you identify the lesson and blessing, then let it go, be grateful, and forgive.
  14. Find love by putting love into your outer shell – clothing, and home.  Get a “makeover” (a new haircut, new clothes, clean and redecorate your house, etc.). Have fun, think loving, nurturing thoughts while making improvements, and invest in yourself.
  15. Find love by giving love to your physical body. Exercise, do deep breathing, or go for a walk. Get a massage.
  16. Find love by eating good food. Poor diet can bring on depression and make it difficult, if not impossible, to feel happy and loved.  Make a list of healthy foods, buy them, and tape the list to your refrigerator.
  17. Find love by getting plenty of sleep. Nothing blocks a happy heart more than lack of sleep and rest.  Allow yourself time to rest, relax and recharge.woman praying
  18. Find love through meditation or prayer. If you’ve identified a problem that you cannot solve, surrender it over to a higher power. Speak with spiritual people whom you trust (priest, minister, friend, family member).  Spiritual exercises, prayer, contemplation, guided imagery or meditation can be instrumental in opening the heart to experiencing divine  or higher love and wisdom.  Imagine love filling your body with a beautiful golden, shimmering light. Feel love in your heart and keep this feeling throughout the day. If it goes away, take time out to repeat the exercise.
  19. Find love through listening to “self-help” motivational recordings. There are many audio and video recordings available free or for purchase that help awaken others to a more loving consciousness. Visit our YouTube site for our playlist.
  20. Find love by reminding yourself, “You are Love. It is You.”   Download, or copy and print out this free poster here, and put it up somewhere where you see it every day. Write “I am love.” 15 times before going to sleep at night.

Remember that the truth is that you don’t have to go looking for love. These tips help you discover the truth. Love is right here with you always. All ways. You are love. It is you.  Best wishes and lots of love to you from your health and wellness friends here at MBHA.


This article is written by Jean Voice Dart,  M.S. Special Education from Illinois State University. Jean is Jean E. Darta published author and has written hundreds of health articles as well as hosting a local television program, “Making Miracles Happen.”  She is a Registered Music Therapist, Sound Therapist, and Master Level Energetic Teacher, and is the Executive Director, founder and Health and Wellness Educator of the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance.  The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a registered 501 (c) 3  nonprofit health and wellness education organization.  For more information about  the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance contact us or visit our website at www.montereybayholistic.com.

Disclaimer: The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance is a charitable, independent registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse any particular products or practices. We exist as an educational organization dedicated to providing free access to health education resources, products and services. Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements about organizations, practitioners, methods of treatment, and products listed on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The MBHA strongly recommends that you seek out your trusted medical doctor or practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of any existing health condition.

How Does Charity Make Us Healthy?


Volunteering Improves Health

Can charity improve health? Do we benefit when we volunteer and give to others?  Copy, download, save and share.

Can giving to others make us healthy? Research studies show that giving has a powerful effect on our health……BUT ONLY if it is truly charitable giving. How do we make sure that it is TRUE CHARITY?  Charity is the voluntary act of giving time, help, money, products or services to others who are in need, and who are not related to the giver.Most forms of charity consist of offering food, shelter, or volunteering our time in service, assisting those who are experiencing misfortune. Charity is also the general daily acts of human kindness, compassion, consideration, and love.


What is at the root of charity, and why does it feel good to both the giver and the receiver?  Historical documents show us that deep at the root of charity is divine love.  The Greek word “agape” ἀγάπη means charity and selfless, divine love, as opposed to sexual or human love.  This is the highest state of consciouness possible in it’s human form.  The word “agape” was translated to “love” in this popular bible quotation.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and do not have love (agape), it profits me nothing.”  1 Corinthians 13:2

So clearly there is much more to charity (“agape”)  than just “helping” others.  Think about charity for a moment.  What value would charity be if we were giving money or service, to the Red Cross, for example, out of a feeling of frustration, duty or regret?  Charity is about helping, yes, but also about an attitude of selflessness, compassion, and love.  Let’s look at some other popular  quotes about charity.

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
― Mother Teresa

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
― Anne Frank, Diary of Anne Frank

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
― John Holmes

“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

“A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.”
― Jack London

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”
― John Bunyan

تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة، وأمرك بالمعروف صدقة ونهيك عن المنكر صدقة، وإرشادك الرجل في أرض الضلال لك صدقة، ونصرك الرجل الرديء البصر لك صدقة، وإماطتك الحجر والشوك العظم عن الطريق لك صدقة
“Smiling in your brother’s face is an act of charity. So is enjoining good and forbidding evil, giving directions to the lost traveler, aiding the blind and removing obstacles from the path.”

(Graded authentic by Ibn Hajar and al-Albani: Hidaayat-ur-Ruwaah, 2/293)
― Muhammad


Many studies in the past ten years, have shown that engaging in acts of volunteerism and charity can greatly improve our health.  A report entitled, “The Health Benefits of Volunteering:  A Review of Recent Research,”   stated that a significant connection was found between volunteering and good health. The report shows that volunteers lived longer, had higher functional ability, lower rates of depression and less incidence of heart disease.  Studies such as, “Volunteering and Mortality Among Older Adults: Findings From a National Sample” by Marc A. Musick,  A. Regula Herzog and  James S. House,  and  “Volunteering and Health: What Impact Does it Really Have? A Report to Volunteering England” by Casiday, R. and Kinsman, E. and Fisher, C. and Bambra, confirm these findings.

There is also research evidence that volunteers make a difference to the health and well-being of service users.  Studies have found that those receiving charity and service experience an increased level of  self esteem, they are better able to manage and accept their illness and disease, and improved relationships with care providing staff and professionals.

Charity is clearly beneficial both the giver and the receiver. With that in mind, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we are always looking for volunteers here at the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance, if you feel so inclined to give in service in this way. 😉  But in all seriousness, this article wasn’t written with that in mind.  Rather it’s a focus on maintaining a daily, moment to moment, state of consciousness of “charity,” this is the “agape” selfless, divine state, that was first discussed above.


First we start with charity to ourselves. We can’t practice charity, until we are able to detox ourselves from mental stresses, emotional blocks, fears, and neglect. We must learn to love and care for ourselves so that we are able to truly give charity to ourselves and others, not just the “check it off the list” attitude.  When we can learn to care for ourselves with a joyful spirit of fun, then we begin to nourish and heal our bodies and we are better able to give charity to those around us.  This is true charity.  How do we do that?  We start listening to ourselves  and take action.  Here are a few tips:

      • keep a journal
      • meditate or pray
      • exercise regularly
      • eat healthy foods
      • see your trusted health-care specialist regularly
      • have fun doing things you love
      • follow your dreams, hopes, and desires
      • spend time with people who love and appreciate you
      • read uplifting, inspiring and motivational books or writings
      • join a support group
      • set goals and accomplish them
      • find a goal buddy to keep you on track
      • make a list of your talents and assets
      • make a list of charitable acts of service that are needed in your community

So next time a family member calls and wants us to help mow the lawn or take out the trash, we might want to think about the the wisdom shared today and the difference between true charity, and merely helping with a sense of  duty and responsibility.  Practicing true charity is a gift we give ourselves and others.  Let us end contemplating the words of Maya Angelou:

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
― Maya Angelou

The Effects of Volunteering on the Physical and Mental Health of Older People

Effects of Volunteering on the Well-Being of Older Adults

Volunteering and Mortality Among Older Adults: Findings From a National Sample – Marc A. Musick,  A. Regula Herzog and  James S. House

Volunteering and Health: What Impact Does it Really Have? A Report to Volunteering England. Casiday, R. and Kinsman, E. and Fisher, C. and Bambra

Let it Go!

Best wishes to you, our health and wellness friends!

Let it Go

Click, copy, download and share with friends and family. Give up all bad qualities in you. Just let it go!

Today the focus is on letting go…. surrendering the negative and bad qualities that exist inside of ourselves.

Surrendering the domination of the mind, emotions, and ego, when it is destructive to our health and happiness.

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
~Havelock Ellis

It sounds simple enough. Just let go. Banish the ego. But why should we banish the ego? Is it really all that bad? Don’t we need the ego to survive and be successful? Yes, this is true. The ego helps us fight and prosper and helps us make good choices in life.  The ego is the inner voice that is concerned for self welfare, safety, and success.

However, the ego can sometimes get in our way and prevent us from truly loving, being prosperous, successful, and achieving our dreams and goals, especially when we are trying to work as a team. There is no place for ego when working together with a group or a partner.  So what exactly is the ego?

Here’s what Einstein had to say about the ego:

EGO = 1 / Knowledge. 

More the knowledge lesser the Ego, lesser the knowledge, more the Ego.

~Albert Einstein

An over-dominating ego can be what causes little children to start swinging at one another on the playground and  little Freddie to come home with a black eye and a broken tooth. So what do we do when  a person is angry, dominating, controlling, and our ego wants us to fight back and hold onto a grudge?  The little voice inside says, “This feels bad.  It’s not right. That person is wrong,” and if we let the ego take over, we might soon find ourselves hurt and angry, saying things we later regret, slamming doors, or in a boxing match with a friend or family memberHere is what Sigmund Freud has to say about the ego.

“One might compare the relation of the ego to the id with that between a rider and his horse. The horse provides the loco-motor energy, and the rider has the prerogative of determining the goal and of guiding the movements of his powerful mount towards it. But all too often in the relations between the ego and the id we find a picture of the less ideal situation in which the rider is obliged to guide his horse in the direction in which it itself wants to go.”

~Sigmund Freud, From New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1932.

So what does one do, to release the white-knuckled grip of ego? What do you do (in the moment) to be unaffected by words that sting or hurt?   I asked our Facebook friends what they do when the ego gets in the way, and it’s difficult to let go, and forgive hurtful words or actions.

Here are some of their answers.

  • “In Tolle’s book, A New Earth, he gave me one of the most amazing tools EVER! He provided this tool for whenever we are faced with ‘EGO’ or ‘Pain-Body’ issues. Become a witness and not a participant. Allow a space in front of you, become a witness in the ego’s unfolding and not a participant, bless it all and surrender it. IT works every time for me.”  ~Iris
  • “Take a look at this, it may be of help:  Creating Moments of Joy: A Journal for Caregivers, Fourth Edition, by Jolene Brackey “  ~Hal
  • “I listen to Hilary Stagg, Harpist. This Instrumental music allows you to feel the music, the ministry of it. I have found his music soothes and ministers to every person who walks into our shop and especially myself which prepares me to be able to minister to others throughout the day. Please listen to a sample of his music when you get a chance. Also “speak” to the persons spirit. Not at the body that the spirit houses. Just a thought.”  ~Terri
  • “I step back and visualize both of us as our “true” selves, sparks of God, when the trappings are taken away I remember that we’re all just sparks trying to find our way home. Takes my ego right out of the picture (a constantly battle btw).” ~Kelly
  • With the Emotion Code from Dr. Bradley Nelson, you can help the person release trapped emotional energy that may be stuck in the radiant body of the individual.  ~Evelyn
  • “There are a lot of wise words here about peace and detachment. Still, I think one would be wise to be open-minded if chocolate cheesecake is an option.”~Jerry
  • “I am remembering a technique I use when life is chaotic. Sometimes I have used this imagination technique where I become a worm or a butterfly or something that is unaffected and not burdened by these kinds of worries and emotions.  Yay!! Time for worm meditations.” ~Jean

Ha,ha! We here at MBHA might not choose to  try your amazing suggestion, Mark, but thanks so much for the smiles! 😉

  • “I talk to my angels; they always help when asked.”  ~Ronni
  • “I write myself notes reminding myself that I am a beautiful and loving human being. I have found that the person who hurts me the most is myself because I decide to use other people’s words to hurt me. I have the choice to love myself and accept a viewpoint that is beneficial to my well being. Sometimes that means to listen to what others say and realize how I can benefit from their words, clear any obstacles to love, thereby allowing love to flow more freely through me. Love you and thank you so much for asking the question because it is always a great reminder of what true love is capable of!!!”  ~Liana
  •  “Yoga helps me.” ~Debbie
  • “It also helps to write the qualities you’re working on in a note. Write it in the present tense– (e.g,I am happy… I enjoy a fulfilling relationship with… etc, etc). Then CARRY IT IN YOUR POCKET! I just read this tip in the paper the other day. There was a study done and when people carried good things about themselves in their pocket, they felt better and improved their lives. It was also studied to write bad things down and tear them up or throw away… and of course, surrender is key. You can write whatever you aspire to, but then you surrender it to the good of the whole.” ~Bonnie

Thanks to all our friends for their wonderful tips.  We at MBHA invite YOU to share with us what you do to gain control over the ego, release judgment toward others, practice forgiveness and tolerance, and let go of the need to be right. We leave you with Sai Baba’s final word and the quote for today on our beautiful free poster gift to you.

“Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego and develop the spirit of surrender. You will then experience Bliss.”
~Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Best wishes to you with gratitude and appreciation,
Your health and wellness friends at MBHA

Be a Positive Thinker

Hello, MBHA friends,

The time is always right for a little positive thinking.  And here is the creation and contemplation for today.

Positive Thinker

Click and copy to share with family members and friends. Positive thinkers make miracles happen.

Thinking positive thoughts about YOU and this wonderful world,
~MBHA Staff and Volunteers

See Love. Always. All ways.

See Love Alwyas. All Ways.

Click to enlarge, copy, and share with your friends and loved ones. Love is always there with us and around us, if we only stop to see it, always and ALL ways. Much love to you.

Greetings, MBHA friends,

During this week of Thanksgiving, we at the Alliance are grateful for all of our friends. It’s a time when the heart opens to the simplest of things…a  little bird, stopping to tap on a window pane, a spiderweb beaded with the water droplets from the morning dew, a young mother helping an elderly woman with her coat and comforting her as she looks in confusion, searching desperately for her family members or friends.

SEE LOVE. Always. ALL Ways.

This week we at the Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance remember to give thanks and look around at the miracle of LIFE, knowing that IT is a precious gift, not to be tossed away and easily forgotten. We are truly  blessed, so let us take time out to be silent, close our eyes, awaken to this TRUTH and be thankful for the blessings and lessons in life.

THANK YOU for the gift of you. Thank you for the gift of LIFE.

Loving life, always and All Ways,
~MBHA Staff and Volunteers